The Wildling + World Savvy: Let us tell you a story…

At The Wildling, stories are #1. Since the organization’s founding, The Wilding has been empowering youth to share bravely from their lived stories in a safe and meaningful way. And we can’t wait to invite you into the next chapter of this story: 

The Wildling is becoming part of World Savvy!

As we welcomed The Wildling to the World Savvy family with an open house this week, and as we work together over the course of the coming school year to embed The Wildling’s approach and resources to support World Savvy’s school partners, we want to invite you into this story. We are thrilled to be partnering together, and can’t wait to share more over the coming years about how The Wildling’s programming is better supporting educators and students to connect and share their stories, and how this partnership with World Savvy will expand the reach of this innovative and meaningful programming to students across the country. For now, we invite you to learn more about our journey to this exciting milestone…

World Savvy: What sparked your interest in this partnership?

The Wildling: When we met Dana Mortenson, we were inspired by her vision from the first moment. Having built The Wildling from the ground up four years prior, with stars in our eyes and a lot of grit, we were beyond impressed to hear about Dana’s story and how she had spent more than 20 years building World Savvy into an organization that works with entire schools and districts to inspire thousands of future-ready learners. 

The Wildling was always about imprinting young people with a sense that who they are matters first and that they have a story to tell and share that will inform their learning path—with the right guidance and approach. When we heard Dana share “cultivating connections” as a core pillar of World Savvy’s model—and the belief that each learner is part of something bigger—her words felt like an arrow striking right at the heart of our mission at The Wildling.

We knew after our conversation with Dana that we would be stronger together—and that is how we have always approached partnerships, feeling our way with intuition and knowing that we can harness that energy for more impactful results. We wondered: How could we leverage our impact and meet the great demand that was upon The Wildling after a pandemic and with a mental health crisis in front of us, and with educators who were asking for programs like ours to support their efforts to shore up their classrooms. We couldn’t be everywhere at once, and we had a lot to sort out to grow. When World Savvy asked about the potential for an integration, we knew right away that this was something we were interested in discussing further. This would mean giving our dynamic and impactful young program a home that would impact thousands, if not millions, of kids in the years to come—to feel and find their place in the world and to know how much they matter. 

World Savvy: This partnership was such an obvious fit for us. At World Savvy, we identify and nurture connections—between students and educators, among peers, between a school and the wider community—to make learning personal and relevant for all students. And one of the key ways that we as humans form connection is by telling stories, and cultivating empathy and understanding as we listen to others tell their stories. 

We are so excited to leverage The Wildling’s dynamic and engaging frameworks and resources in a variety of ways to better support educators and students. Year one of a World Savvy partnership is focused on Cultivating Connections—a theme that is deeply aligned with The Wildling’s program. There are a variety of ways for students to engage with the materials, from sharing personal narratives or utilizing the resources as a vehicle for sharing knowledge and encouraging discourse. Sharing together in this way helps students to develop key competencies they’ll use throughout their lives, such as engaging willingly and openly with others, demonstrating self-awareness about identity and culture, choosing empathy, and so much more.

What are you most excited about as The Wildling joins World Savvy?

The Wildling: Oh my. What are we NOT excited about? We couldn’t be happier. When people ask how this integration came to be, we say we have followed our curiosity from the very start. That is how The Wildling was born—a storyteller and an educator with big hearts and curiosity who wanted to help youth find their way back to the innate storytellers inside of them so they could share themselves freely and bravely. To have World Savvy approach us with the idea of an integration—watching The Wildling become an integral part of programming for classrooms upon classrooms of kids—is something we didn’t even understand was possible until the question was asked: What if you became part of us? 

We can’t wait to watch our program shine even brighter as we work together to reimagine what it looks like to cultivate connections in every classroom, making learning more personal and relevant for all people. This is a foundational belief we share as organizations. It is inspiring and expansive, and critical in this modern world to approach education in this way. It is essential.  

One thing we see every time we come together at a Wildling Story Jam, after-school setting, or school classroom, is that human beings at a very young age crave connection—to themselves and to their peers and to their teachers and to their caregivers and to the many people who are part of their everyday life. We have a tendency to forget that our innate ability as human beings to share from the content of our lives brings unity and community. It is this foundational piece of The Wildling that connects directly to World Savvy’s mission—you belong, you matter. YOU and YOUR STORY are where we need to start. We are meant to learn this together. 

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Iterative Learning: Why Our Schools Need to Abandon Compliance

The workforce that students are preparing for is changing at an unprecedented pace and will only continue to do so. The shift towards a competency-based education model is imperative, especially one that equips students with the essential skills needed to prepare them for a complex, ever-changing world.

This is what World Savvy’s CEO and Co-founder, Dana Mortenson, advocates for in a recent article, “Iterative Learning: Why Our Schools Need to Abandon Compliance,” which appeared in District Administration, a K-12 education publication. She explains how moving to a model of education focused on competencies will empower students to learn and re-learn for the rest of their lives.

Read the article here.

District Administration is a leading K-12 education publication for school district leaders that covers topics in edtech, staffing, leadership, analysis, and thought leadership.

About World Savvy

At World Savvy, we partner holistically with schools to reimagine education and create more inclusive, student-centered, and future-ready learning communities. We do this by collaborating with schools to embed global competence–the skills, values, and behaviors that prepare young people to thrive in a more diverse, interconnected world–into their strategic vision, school environment, and teaching and learning practices. Connect us with a school or learn more about our school partnership opportunities.

Conversations on Connection: Dana Mortenson

Inspired Teaching’s Continued Exploration of School Connectedness

World Savvy’s CEO and Co-Founder, Dana Mortenson, spoke with the Director of Teaching and Learning at the Center for Inspired Teaching, Jennifer Fournel, about elevating student expertise and fostering cultures of connection.

In their conversation, Dana shared an effective tactic to help teachers dive deeper into who their students are and how the students’ lived experiences may help to inform classroom culture. Hear what Dana said about World Savvy’s work, belonging, youths as experts, curiosity, and more.

Derived from the organization’s Global Competence Matrix, the World Savvy team uses Global Competence prompts — questions that “get outside of potentially more one-dimensional and surface-level understanding” — in place of traditional ice-breakers. Think “Describe the last time you tried something multiple times before finally getting it,” vs. “What did you do this summer?”

As you continue to learn more about your new students and work to build equitable, engaging learning environments, we hope you are inspired by the prompts Dana shared — as well as the rest of her conversation with Jenna — to build authentic connections and community in the school year ahead!

Listen, read, or watch the interview.

World Savvy is an organization that partners with schools to reimagine education and create more inclusive, student-centered, and future-ready learning communities. We are continuing to expand our work across the country. Connect us with a school or learn more about our school partnership opportunities.

The School Leader’s New Challenge: Learning and Unlearning in the Age of Generative AI

World Savvy’s CEO and Co-founder, Dana Mortenson, was interviewed by SuperSpeaks podcast host, Mark Sparvell, about the age of generative artificial intelligence and its impact on education.

School and district leaders are guiding their institutions and organizations through a historic moment in education — the first back-to-school term in the age of generative artificial intelligence. Administrators are exploring what is required to prepare schools and students to thrive in this new era, — including the learning and unlearning needed to adapt. This discussion explores this new landscape and what we are learning about navigating it.

Listen to the podcast here.

World Savvy is an organization that partners with schools to reimagine education and create more inclusive, student-centered, and future-ready learning communities. We are continuing to expand our work across the country. Connect us with a school or learn more about our school partnership opportunities.

A School Leader’s Guide to Adapting School Culture in the Age of Generative AI

World Savvy’s CEO and Co-Founder Dana Mortenson sat down with Carl Hooker for a thought-provoking conversation on education, technology, and culture.

In “A School Leader’s Guide to Adapting School Culture in the Age of Generative AI,” Dana and Carl dive deep into how the ongoing evolution of education intersects with the rapid advancements in generative artificial intelligence, underlining the urgency of nurturing essential skills in the next generation. The demand for new skills was already on the rise due to our increasingly interconnected world. However, the emergence of generative AI has accelerated the need for adaptability to an unprecedented level. How can school and district leaders help prepare students and teachers to adapt and succeed in the age of generative artificial intelligence?

Listen to the podcast here.

World Savvy is an organization that partners with schools to reimagine education and create more inclusive, student-centered, and future-ready learning communities. We are continuing to expand our work across the country. Connect us with a school or learn more about our school partnership opportunities.