World Savvy Named One of the Top Education Innovators Worldwide

World Savvy is thrilled to announce that we have been selected as one of the top innovations in the world in the 2023 HundrED Global Collection. HundrED is a Finland-based, not-for-profit that discovers, researches, and shares inspiring innovations in K-12 education. 

Out of 3,488 worldwide innovations reviewed, World Savvy was among the 100 innovations from 54 countries selected, and only one of nine U.S.-based organizations. An academy consisting of 188 experts in education from over 113 countries reviewed the innovations.

“Innovations highlighted by HundrED are truly moving the needle in education reform around the world. Meeting the needs of students, parents, teachers, and communities, the innovations found in HundrED’s database are a go-to resource for anyone looking to catch a glimpse of the wealth of possibility in education innovation and transformation,” said Mike Dunn, Director of College Counseling, U.S.A. and member of the HundrED Academy Board.

The common threads across the selected 100 top innovations were:

  1. A focus on teachers as the heart of education transformation and innovation.
  2. 21st Century Skill development also called “life skills” or “soft skills,” which includes developing competencies through social and emotional learning, global citizenship, and entrepreneurship with a common focus on critical thinking and collaborative learning. 
  3. Student well-being and mental health including the cognitive, psychological, physical, and social aspects that drive educational outcomes. 
  4. Student agency and putting the student at the center of the educational experience to drive their own learning, develop their voice, and make choices about their educational experience. Agency is closely connected to student motivation, well-being, and a sense of meaning and purpose. 
  5. Centering equity including diversity, gender equality, special needs education, inclusion, access, and human rights.

“We are thrilled to be recognized among so many other innovative organizations and to have the opportunity to share our work to build more inclusive, equitable, and future-ready K-12 learning environments with a global audience,” says World Savvy CEO and Co-Founder Dana Mortenson. “It is a credit to our talented team and amazing network of school partners and leaders.”

A review from the HundrED Academy included, “World Savvy has key principles of universal interest in a learning ecosystem that makes its spread and adaptability. It provides a tool that helps learners connect, share and collaborate joining efforts to solve global problems.” 

The complete HundrED report can be accessed here. For more information about World Savvy’s Comprehensive School Partnerships go to

World Savvy article, “Soft Skills are NOT Soft” published in education magazine

World Savvy was recently published in the most recent issue of Childhood Education Innovations. The article, Soft Skills Are NOT Soft: Redefining Essential Skills for a Future-Ready Classroom points to the importance of an increasingly essential set of skills the current and future workforce must have to be successful in their careers and arguably life.

The article sites The Wall Street Journal‘s 2015 survey of nearly 900 executives: “92% said soft skills were equally important or more important than technical skills. Of particular note, 89% said they have a very or somewhat difficult time finding people with those requisite attributes.”

However, our current education system was designed to prepare students for careers of the Industrial Era. The world is rapidly changing; many of the jobs that our students will hold in the future have not yet been invented yet. Educators’ work can no longer be focused on delivering information, but rather on preparing students with the skills to successfully navigate and process this information.

“It is important for educators to teach their students to be not only critical thinkers, but also adaptable, resilient, and creative,” the article states. “For too long, skills such as empathy, creativity, and collaboration have been happy accidents in classrooms—byproducts of teachable moments that occurred during the delivery of content. It is time to center these skills with intention and urgency so that all young people have what they need to navigate a complex and interconnected world.”

As Dana Mortenson, World Savvy CEO and Co-founder, has said, “The focus here is not on content knowledge or test scores alone, but on the dispositions and skills that the future world will demand of us all, such as adaptability amidst significant change, cross-cultural communication, and collaboration, critical thinking about complex issues, perspective-taking, and empathy.”

The article goes on to highlight the work World Savvy did with a partner school during the 2021-2022 school year amidst a teacher strike. “To support all members of the community as they worked to understand these events, World Savvy created resources that were designed to draw on the essential skills we had been honing with teachers and students all year. Students used bingo cards that encouraged conversations with multiple stakeholders to ensure they were seeing this issue from multiple perspectives. As the strike ended and students returned to school, teachers implemented activities to rebuild community and create space to allow everyone to process their emotions. World Savvy schools used case studies organized by grade band, featuring extensive background information as well as resources and frameworks for analyzing conflict, building peace, and leading during complex times.”

World Savvy’s Comprehensive School Partnerships are designed to help schools make learning more relevant, inclusive and future-focused with a focus on embedding global competence – the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to navigate and succeed in today’s interconnected world. 

Childhood Education Innovations is a magazine-format publication that shares innovative ideas and practices for improving the education of children globally. The magazine is published for a global audience of educators and advocates working to create positive, sustainable futures for children and youth, with particular focus on improving education access and quality for marginalized populations. 

Dana Mortenson recognized as one of Minnesota’s “Rising Stars”

VoyageMinnesota has named World Savvy’s CEO and Co-founder Dana Mortenson a “Rising Star.” Dana was interviewed about her work with World Savvy – a national K-12 nonprofit organization – and the path she took with fellow co-founder Madiha Murshed to help change the world in light of the xenophobic backlash following 9/11. “We knew this targeting was a product of fear and, to some degree, a lack of knowledge and understanding about the world,” Dana recalled. In 2002, World Savvy was born with the intention of partnering with schools to transform learning environments into inclusive, adaptive, and future-ready schools in a fast-changing and increasingly diverse world.

When asked about some of the recent challenges she’s faced Dana responded, “Education has become more politicized in this polarized culture, with efforts like anti-CRT and banned books on the rise. There is a larger and more vocal group of school leaders, educators, and community members who understand the critical nature of this work to sustain our democracy. This is different from years past and has propelled the work forward profoundly.”

When asked about lessons learned in this work, Dana responded, “We’ve learned that there is no quick-fix in education, no one-size-fits-all solution you can rapidly scale, and no single program that changes things overnight. It is complex, messy, and takes time, resources, and intention.” She added, “We have learned that models providing holistic, well-rounded, and comprehensive support — frameworks for learning that are pendulum-proof — are the best opportunity for creating and sustaining change.”

Read Dana Mortenson’s full interview on the VoyageMinnesota website.

VoyageMinnesota is a magazine with a mission to promote mom and pops, artists, creatives, makers and small businesses by providing a platform for these hidden gems to tell their stories in their own words.

World Savvy featured on Silver Lining for Learning Podcast

World Savvy was honored to be featured on the Silver Lining for Learning podcast. The podcast is hosted by Chris Dede, Curt Bonk, Punya Mishra & Yong Zha and focuses on the future of learning with educators and education leaders from across the globe.

Our very own CEO and Co-founder Dana Mortenson and Director of Professional Learning KK Neimann were featured along with partner educators Anna Lehn and Cindy Derrane in Episode 103: Don’t Just be Savvy, be World Savvy!

“The most profound impact of World Savvy’s programs is evidenced by educator and student engagement – our programs make teaching and learning real, experiential, and relevant for a changing world. As a result, students acquire the kind of knowledge, skills, and dispositions that not only prepare them for college, career, and life in a global society, but help them identify as global citizens who are motivated to contribute to peace, justice, and sustainability for our world,” said Dana Mortenson.

Guests included:

Dana Mortenson, World Savvy’s Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer

KK Neimann, World Savvy’s Director of Professional Learning

Anna Lehn, a World Savvy partner and 8th grade teacher at Ella Baker Global Studies and Humanities Magnet within the Minneapolis Public School District in Minnesota

Cindy Derrane, a World Savvy partner, Assistant Principal and Co-Coordinator of the Global Citizenship Program of Norwood High School in Norwood, MA

Wicked Local Norwood featured World Savvy partnership with Norwood Public Schools

We are excited about our new partnership with Norwood Public School District in Massachusetts to implement inquiry-based learning and global competence education throughout the district! You can learn more about this new collaboration, and hear from administrators Margo Fraczek and Cindy Derrane, in the Wicked Local Norwood!

“I hope this helps increase our student engagement. I hope kids find their passion. I hope they start to see the real-world connections with what they learn every day and the world beyond.”

The Examiner featured Byram Hills Students’ Project on the 2020 Census

Students from Byram Hills High School’s Global Scholars Program were recently highlighted for their project on the 2020 Census (video below). Byram Hills High School is a World Savvy partner school and we have worked with their program over the last few years, and we’re excited about the impactful work that the students are doing. Read the article here.

The Bay Area Reporter featured a World Savvy Student story

Persys Shadfar, a student from Ecole Bilingue in Berkeley, California, wrote a guest blog about Persys’s thoughts on Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+, and how the World Savvy project helped them began to see the intersection of the struggle for equality by race, gender, and sexual identity. Read about Persys’s experience and journey here.